Alex Txikon decided to wait at Base Camp, Temba and Ali Sadpara have returned to Kathmandu
Dream Wanderlust | Feb 27 , 2018
Alex Txikon, who was on his Everest expedition with Muhammad Ali Sadpara without using supplemental oxygen this winter wishes to wait at Everest Base Camp for better weather. Today, early in the morning, Alex declared that they are going to abandon the expedition saying "...This time, winter has not given us the opportunity, but I'm sure the future will bring us together in a new adventure." in a post on Facebook. The same was confirmed by the head of his support agency Mingma Sherpa.
Later, today in the afternoon Alex changed his decision and wished to continue to wait at the Base Camp for a favorable weather window. However, his teammate Muhammad Ali Sadpara has already returned to Kathmandu today.
"We continue at the Base Camp, but the weather is not playing in our favor. Temba and Ali Sadpara have returned to Kathmandu because they weren't able to continue, but the rest of us, we fell very strong. I would also like to appreciate the great work of Cheppal, Nuri, Pasang, Wallung and Geljen during the whole expedition. Everything indicates that the weather forecast will not be favorable until mid-March so we are considering different possibilities. I'll let you know," Alex posted this afternoon.

Photo Courtesy: Alex Txikon