Update from the Search And Recovery team: Remains of Paresh Nath have been Located at South Col. Search continues for Goutam Ghosh
Dream Wanderlust | Apr 27 , 2017
The Search-and-Rescue team lead by Phurba sherpa today informed that the remains of Paresh Nath have been located at South col. This is the first update about Paresh's remains since last year.
The remains of Goutam Ghosh to be located soon within 2-3 days. The route up to south col was established on 23rd April, 2017 by the route opening team. However, the route opening team has been delayed in opening the summit route beyond south col due to heavy wind. As per the report from Himalayan Rescue Association, the route opening team will move to open the summit route within 2-3 days.
"Hi we are doing good. We are In the process to locate first the bodies of the climbers so far route has been opened up to South Col and body of Paresh Da has been located.
However body of Goutam Ghosh is assumed to be somewhere much higher than South Col. Above South Col route has not been opened so far. It is believed that route above South Col will be opened in next 2 or 3 days.
The moment the route is opened, search team will go to that area and will try its best to find the body of Gotam Ghosh" , Phurba Sherpa said from the Base Camp.
As per the previous news and reports, the remains of Goutam Ghosh is likely to be located at the Triangular face below the balcony. The rescue team (Phurba Sherpa and his team ) will search for the remains of Goutam Ghosh soon after the route is opened.
In the Pics: Goutam Ghosh (Left) and Paresh Nath (Right)